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mince meat (加有葡萄干、蘋果、糖、牛板油、香料等的做餡用的)百果餡...


Being made from natural materials , stone slab houses can “ breathe “ and are warm in winter and cool in summer . visitors are welcome to stay in one overnight and experience for themselves this uniquely down - to - earth pleasure . you can also take part in a genuine rukai feast , which includes roast boar , mountain sago and maize dishes , and a local specialty called jinabuwan , which consists of millet and pickled minced meat cooked wrapped in shell - ginger leaves 從大自然取材的石板屋會呼吸,冬暖夏涼,游客不妨選擇一處民宿,體驗一下住石板屋的原始快感,還可享用原住民烹調的魯凱盛宴,包括烤山豬肉山蘇粟米麻?月桃葉包小米與腌肉末的特產其那布萬等,入口清香,再配上濃甜的小米酒,令人回味無窮。

The earth pot meal of xingyi is definitely different from other places , meal is it come out to steam with light oil , itself have condiment , have a meal very much fragrant even only , furnished with the filling material made of thin minced meat and lettuce above , in addition , and fry eggs , delicious food 興義的沙鍋飯是絕對和其它地方不一樣的,飯是用淡油蒸出來的,本身有調料,就是光吃飯也很香,上面配有瘦肉末和萵筍做的餡料,加上和炸荷包蛋,美味哦。

Prepare foods that are nutrient - dense by adding minced meat , fish , beancurd , egg , potato or dried beans into congee , noodles or soup . encourage consuming soup ingredients together with the soup so as to increase nutrient intake 多選吃加添了魚肉、碎肉、豆腐、蛋花、薯仔、乾豆等材料的高營養粥、粉、面、湯水或羹,并鼓勵飲湯時連湯渣一起進食。

Leave time for rest by alternating different activities . use assistive appliances e . g . buy minced meat , using washing machine , choose shoes without shoestrings or with velcro 另外,可使用適當的協助器具以節省手部關節工作,例如購買已攪碎的肉使用洗衣機或選擇非綁帶或利用魔術貼的鞋等。

Soft breads , cakes , biscuits well - moistened in milk , soup or juice , congee , oatmeal , soft rice . boneless and skinless meats like diced or minced meats , flaked fish , steamed egg pudding 軟身的面包、蛋糕、浸軟的餅乾、粉面、粥、麥皮、軟而較濕的飯等。

Meat and meat based products . minced meat or offal , without additive and cooked in their final packaging . specification 肉和肉制品.不加添加劑在成品包裝內燒制的肉沫或內臟.規范

These cakes were made with melon seeds , lotus seeds , almonds , minced meats , bean paste , orange peels and lard 月餅是用瓜子,蓮子,杏仁,肉餡,豆醬,桔皮和豬油做成的。

However , using minced meat with small amounts of fat can help to enhance the flavour of the dish 否則,略帶肥肉的肉碎,可為這道菜增加一點油水,別有一番風味。

Boneless and skinless meats like diced or minced meats , flaked fish , steamed egg pudding 不連皮及骨的肉如肉粒或碎肉碎魚肉蒸水蛋等。

Minced meat puffs 肉藏面筋

Tips those who do not like to eat fatty meat , can opt for lean minced meat 烹飪小貼士?不喜歡肥肉的人可用瘦肉攪碎。

Minced meat cutlet with mashed potato 土豆泥攪肉餅

Fried egg on minced meat with rice 燴敏士托蛋配米飯

Pasta with cream sauce and minced meat 生菜絲碎肉粥

Minced meat cutlet with mashed potatoes 土豆泥拌肉餅